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InclusiOn como camino

El programa LIDERAR es otra gran obra creada por el equipo de @cuidalabocha_hockey.

Ellas dan las herramientas a mujeres que salen en libertad, para que puedan replicar el significado de EQUIPO en sus propias comunidades. Ser ellas mismas líderes y partícipes del cambio.

Hoy Nancy, que aprendió a amar el hockey en la cárcel, lo enseña a los chicos de su barrio, Carlos Gardel. (+)


The LEADER program is another great work created by the @cuidalabocha_hockey team.

They give the tools to women who are released from jail, so that they can replicate the meaning of TEAM in their own communities. Be leaders and participants in the change.

Today Nancy, who learned to love hockey in jail, teaches it to the kids in her neighborhood, Carlos Gardel.(+)

(+) Esta jornada fue en el colegio San Andrés que los invitó a pasar una tarde juntos.

Más allá de las palabras que me surgen como admiración, solidaridad, empatía, inclusión, vínculo... en lo personal, fue emoción. De la pura, de la linda, de la sincera. Esa que te ilumina con un nudo en la garganta. Que te dan ganas de llorar porque descubrís que por acá va, que este es el camino que te pone la piel de gallina.

Sentir cada click, involucrándome con las emociones del otro. Vibrar y estar presente. Tirarme al piso, participar de la ronda, acercarme hasta ver el nudo del pelo, pedir permiso para un click más.

Interesarme donde consiguieron esos botines, la libertad de una foto espontánea, la complicidad y la vergüenza de ser descubierto.

Me llena de emoción el "si" de los chicos para fotografiarlos a mi manera. Involucrada, cómplice y particular. Ese día la protagonista fue la felicidad expresada en cada uno de ellos. No pude dejar de mirarla.

Gracias Flor, por esperarme y mostrarme este camino que me pone la piel de gallina.



The LEADER program is another great work created by the @cuidalabocha_hockey team.

They give the tools to women who are released from jail, so that they can replicate the meaning of TEAM in their own communities. Be leaders and participants in the change.

Today Nancy, who learned to love hockey in jail, teaches it to the kids in her neighborhood, Carlos Gardel.

This day it was at the San Andrés school that invited them to spend an afternoon together.

Beyond the words that come to me such as admiration, solidarity, empathy, inclusion, bond ... personally, it was emotion. The pure, the pretty, the sincere. The one that illuminates you with a lump in your throat. That makes you want to cry because you discover that this is the way, that this is the path that gives you goosebumps.

Feel each click, getting involved with the emotions of the other. Vibrate and be present. Throw myself on the floor, participate in the round, approach until I see the knot in the hair, ask permission for one more click. Being interested in where they got those shoes, the freedom of a spontaneous photo, the complicity and the shame of being discovered.

The "yes" of the kids fills me with emotion to photograph them in my own way. Involved, complicit and private. That day the protagonist was the happiness expressed in each one of them. I couldn't stop looking at her.

Thanks Flor, for waiting and showing me this path that gives me goose bumps.



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