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Healing Junio

No me pidas que te siga escondiendo para no sufrir.


Don't ask me to hide you so as not to suffer.

No me pidas que siga siendo tu escudo para protegerte.

No me eches para que no te reconozca.

No tiembles para llenarme de miedos.

Sola no puedo.

Saquemos el humo. Saquemos la capucha.

Vamos despacio, las dos juntas.

Time off.



Don't ask me to hide you so as not to suffer.

Don't ask me to be your shield to protect you.

Don't throw me out so I don't recognize you.

Do not tremble to fill me with fear.

I can't alone. Let's get the smoke out. Let's take off the hood.

Let's go slowly, the two of us, together.

Time off.



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